August 18th, 2013. 17:46
This first weekend in Julkujärvi is definitly unforgettable. I met some friends of my hostfamily who were extremely nice and welcoming to me! We had some pie, talked (well, they talked and I tried to understand but didn't) and listened to music...
Yesterday, I went grocery shopping with my hostmother. The only thing I recognized was the Becel butter, Coco Pops and Uncle Ben's... I got to choose the kind of ice cream we would buy, which was very nice... And then, for the first time in my life, I had a slice of ice cream! Usually, I get a ball of ice cream... That was so funny and different!
Today, I went on a bike ride with my hostfather to my school so that I could try out the bike and more or less get to know the road. It was so beautiful, so green, so silent, so great!
Afterwards, I went running with my hostsister Emilia in the forest (which is just behind the house !!!). We talked about being an exchange student. Emilia was an exchange student last year in Germany, so before I left for Finland I asked her for advice about the experience. Emilia told that I shouldn't consider things as right or wrong, things are just different... But here everything just seems so right. I feel so great here. I've wanted to do this my whole life and it's as if the puzzle of my life is complete...
Anyway, tomorrow I will be going to school in Ylöjärvi. I really hope it's going to go well! I'm nervous because everything will be in Finnish, and not so much English... I'm curious also because it is said the Finnish education system is the best in the world, and I wonder what the Finnish people think of it... "
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